Report Unwanted Calls & Texts

If you've received an unwanted call or text from a phone number registered to Peeringhub, please let us know.

No one likes to receive harassing, abusive or fraudulent calls.

You may have found us because you looked up a caller’s phone number or the name on your caller ID. We want to assure you we do not make calls to consumers.

Peeringhub is committed to helping individuals who receive unwanted calls or texts. We work closely with the FCC to combat robocalling and actively prohibit abuse on our network. If you experience a fraudulent call, kindly let us know the details of the call. If we’re able to help stop the unwanted calls you’re receiving, we will do so.

The following information must be provided for further investigation or we won’t be able to research the calls:

  • Calling Number
  • Number Called or Text Messaged
  • Date and Time of the Call or Text



Protecting Yourself from Scammers

If you are a victim of a scam or you feel you are in danger, we urge you to contact law enforcement right away.

  • Do not engage a scammer in any way. If you suspect a call is fraudulent, don’t say anything and hang up immediately.
  • When in doubt, do not answer a phone call or text message from an unknown number.
  • Never give out sensitive personal or financial information over the phone unless it is to a known and trusted entity. Doctor’s offices, banks and other service providers do not call to ask for your account information.
  • Do not respond to pop-up messages or text messages asking for your bank or financial institution information.
  • Do not send money to someone you do not know or cannot verify.
  • Update your social media settings, smartphone settings and passwords often. Do not use simple passwords.
  • To decrease the number of telemarketing calls you receive, make sure to add your residential and cell phone numbers to the National Do Not Call Registry, which was established to assist consumers and require telemarketing companies to abide by the Do Not Call Rules.
  • Please note, business numbers are not covered under the Do Not Call Registry.
  • If you receive a call from someone claiming to be from the IRS, Social Security Administration or a utility company who instructs you to make a payment, hang up immediately. Learn more about Tax Fraud Alerts.
  • Be aware that scammers can fake caller ID names. See the most recent FTC Scam Alerts.
  • Do not pay to collect a prize relating to a sweepstakes or promotion. Requiring a payment to collect a prize is a violation of federal law.
  • If you receive a message containing a callback number, verify the number against a known source such as the back of your bank card before returning the call.
  • Research solutions for call blockers for your mobile phone, which will notify you of a potential spam call.


Report Unwanted Calls & Texts

Help us stop the unwanted calls and texts you’re receiving.